Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Give Your Customers What They Are Looking for

Give your Customers what they are looking for and they will beat a path to your door!
The other day my Mother visited and entertained the grand children with stories from her past.
One such tale was when her older sister was visiting; they went to see her son-in-law, John. He had recently moved house and was clearing out a shed when he dropped a roll of carpet onto the ground. As the carpet unrolled it displayed a nest of mice. My aunt, a fervent animal lover squealed with delight and bent down to pick up the tiny thumb nail sized babies, cradling them in her hands.
My mother, on the other hand, was horrified and said that under no circumstances could she take them back to her home! Dismayed, my aunt was loath to leave without them - so John had the bright idea of taking them down the lane and making them a new nest.
Peace reigned; my Aunt agreed and relinquished her 'babies' to their new home. Happy mice, satisfied Aunt and a stress-free journey home!
So the moral of the story, give your customers what they want and you will get what you want - happy customers and more sales. Consider their needs and desires, find out what they want and supply them and you will have a happy army of regular customers. If however you try doing the opposite, aiming to sell only what YOU want to provide, as good as the item might be, you will be fighting a losing battle.
So your first step is to find a hungry crowd, looking for something that is hard to locate, find the perfect fit for their requirements, make it in some way better than your competition. Something unique to you if at all possible, something appealing to your customers, See it from their point of view not yours. Remember this in all your offers and make life easier for yourself. Don't find a product you like, find one your customers are looking for.
If you want tips on researching suitable markets with waiting buyers go to forums and ask questions. Then you will find ways to grow your business. Also ask your customers what they want, do a survey, ask questions in quizzes, on Facebook, in newsletters or emails. Let them tell you what they want.
So always look for a hungry audience and supply their needs and you will be laughing all the way to the bank.
My name is Anne: We Always Aim To Give More Value Than You Expect
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